During a special week-long period of his ARX residency, community members are invited to explore the creative and movement practices of NYC-based artist Christian Warner. Experience firsthand in the intimate setting of the Attack Theatre studios movement classes, showings and craft conversations with Christian Warner as he develops his newest investigation, Locating Lucidity.  

All Programs Are Pick Your Price! (ARX - $10, $20, and $25)

Registration requested, but walk-ins welcome!

Choose Your Price, then Pick Your Program!
(Select a price from the dropdown below and then you will be able to select the program to register)

Friday, October 11th, 2024 | 10:30am | Attack Theatre Studios

Join the company members for a movement class facilitated by Christian Warner. This is an all-levels and abilities session that will focus on connecting with emotions and empathy through movement. 

Tuesday, October 15th, 2024 | 6:30pm | Attack Theatre Studios

We invite you to a curated conversation with Christian, the dancers and guests facilitated by poet and multi-media artist, Veronica Corpuz. Gain insights into Christian’s recent work, artistic research, curiosities, and creative process. Afterwards, enjoy a casual meet-and-greet, with light snacks and refreshments provided.

Wednesday, October 16th, 2024 | 6:30pm | Attack Theatre Studios

All are welcome to this evening movement class led by Christian with live music by composer/collaborator Andrew Boucher (Minneapolis). Movers of all experiences are welcome to attend.

Christian Warner’s residency is made possible in part by The Heinz Endowments Creative Development Fund and The Arts & Equity Fund 


Attack Theatre is committed to offering inclusive, engaging experiences for people of all abilities. Please share any specific accommodations that would help you to fully engage with these workshops by emailing [email protected].

Requests must be received at least one week before class.

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